Our Perth laboratory, MPL laboratories has crossed a major milestone. February 2020 marks 10 years since we joined The Envirolab Group family. This month also respectively marks Envirolab Group’s 15th Anniversary, from its founding in Sydney.
Since joining The Envirolab Group family in 2010, MPL Laboratories has continued to maintain its position as a leader in providing quality laboratory testing services in Occupational Health and Environmental analysis.
“In reflecting on the past 10 years of our operations, it’s motivating to see how much MPL Laboratories' service offering and the team have grown. Envirolab’s focus on investment in Western Australia to raise MPL’s capabilities are clearly evident now," said Business Development Manager, Catherine North (pictured), who is also MPL Laboratories' longest serving team member.
"Over these years, we have invested in and added many new instruments to extend our capabilities in each area and improve our turnarounds."
"At the same time, we have brought on much new staff, some with a great deal of experience and all with enthusiasm to learn. Now we have a large and stable team of people keen to develop and focussed on customer service – as that has always been our priority.” added Catherine.
MPL Laboratories’ key highlights over the past 10 years:
Extension of our NATA Accreditation for a range of tests including Acid Sulphate Soils and Acid Mine Drainage, many of our current Organic analytes including dioxins and furans in water; BTEX metabolites in Urine; and Thermophilic Amoebae speciation for Naegleria fowleri in water samples.
ASPAC Accreditation for agricultural soil and plant analysis.
Continued focus on improving internal efficiencies and investment in technology, including significantly a GC QQQ in 2014, and an automated DPM analyser and LCMSMS in 2019.
Reduction of our Turnaround Time (TAT) from weeks in 2010 to a consistent rate of 5 working days across the bulk of our analyses. This was only possible through a focus on streamlining processes at every stage from sample receipt to reporting – without compromising analytical integrity or customer service.
The company has continued to expand its service offering alongside its growing network of support offices and sister laboratories, Envirolab Services in Sydney and Melbourne, and LABTEC in Auckland, New Zealand.
Not only have we as an organisation, established ourselves as a leading and reputable partner that exceeds your scientific testing needs, but we’ve taken great pride in investing back into our industry and paying it forward with our community-related initiatives and programs.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our clients, suppliers, and team for making MPL Laboratories the successful business it has become. Their demands, challenges and feedbacks have pushed us to go forward and improve how we operate. Our aim is to keep serving the scientific community by providing solutions in environmental contamination testing and workplace health and safety testing. We look forward to celebrating many more significant anniversaries together and being of service for your next project.
About MPL Laboratories
Envirolab Services (WA) Pty Ltd, trading as MPL Laboratories, is based in Myaree, Western Australia, and is a leader in providing quality laboratory testing services for Occupational Health and Environmental assessments.
Since 2010, MPL Laboratories has been part of The Envirolab Group family of commercial laboratories, including Envirolab Services Pty Ltd in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Darwin; and Envirolab Services (NZ) Ltd, trading as LABTEC in New Zealand.
Our specialised teams work closely with our clients to provide an extensive range of NATA Accredited laboratory analysis for air, water, soil, sediment and biological (urine) samples, amongst other environmental contaminants.
Our analytical services include, and are not limited to:
Air – Respirable Crystalline Silica, Diesel Particulate Matter, TSP and Organic Vapours.
Water – Thermophilic Amoebae (Naegleria fowleri), Dioxins and Furans, Pharmaceutical products and Trace Heavy Metals.
Urine – BTEX, PAH, etc Metabolites (such as S-PMA), Heavy Metals and Creatinine.
Soil / Solids – USEPA LEAF Extractions, Acid Sulphate Soils (ASS), Full SVOC and VOC Suites.
Sediment – NAGD Guidelines and Organotins.